3oneroom - The Castellan testo lyric


All those messages I saved as draft
I gave them a mask and sent them away
To people who couldn't care less

All those pictures I took and then discarded
They're stored in a hidden folder now
And lost inside my brain cells

I fell into a different kind of hole
I'm craving for a touch that I forgo
Oh for god's sake, tell me something I don't know
I divide, but I don't rule and let you show
This mixed-up premise

So far, so fair enough


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Castellan di 3oneroom:


La canzone The Castellan si trova nell'album We Never Left the Ground uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album We Never Left the Ground, di 3oneroom

L'articolo 3oneroom - The Castellan testo lyric di 3oneroom è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-05-14 15:18:23


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