Biografia Emerald Dreams

Emerald Dreams was born as a side project of Amor†h in 2016. the main project is active in the witch house and dark ambient scene since 2012 with 4 albums published but after four years of this kind of stuff i felt the urge to experiment different genres of music: the synthwave appealed me for the huge amount of synths parts it shares with the witch house genre so the change came quite natural. Soon from the status of side project Emerald Dreams switched to the status of main one: the first full synthwave album is almost ready :it will be released in mid november with the title of Killer Queen with 10 songs composed and mixed by myself ( i trust a lot on Diy and self production). It will be presented along with the new singer Monica on a release live on Trieste , Italy, my hometown 18th november and after that i really hope to find some date to take it live. I’ve prepared a really nice live show with a lot of hardware mythic stuff like a roland d50, a yamaha dx7 II fd and a casio cz1 to recreate the ‘80s sound.

L'articolo Biografia Emerald Dreams di Emerald Dreams è apparso su il 2017-11-06 19:20:05