Kreky & The Asteroids - Average (feat. Carmelo Pipitone) testo lyric


My old car drove me into this land,
Black birds fluttered through the cold,
The light warmed my skin.
From green, it turned into an orange red,
Leaves had all fallen and fields,
Were covered of with her hair.
An average of these years.
There must be a place where
we have no chains to live with
and no pain is left.
Tell me it’s still a worth staying here,
Evil outshined the beauty
and that’s why the sky turns grey.
An average of these years.
I refused to enjoy my ride,
I wasted my days wondering what it's like to live.
Trying to cover my tracks I've found out
everything ends and there’s no guarantees.
An average of these years.


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La canzone Average (feat. Carmelo Pipitone) si trova nell'album Banner Blindness uscito nel 2022 per Goodfellas Records, Romolo Dischi, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Banner Blindness, di Kreky & The Asteroids

L'articolo Kreky & The Asteroids - Average (feat. Carmelo Pipitone) testo lyric di Kreky & The Asteroids è apparso su il 2022-04-26 18:31:35


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