Kreky & The Asteroids - Dust testo lyric


Lovely dark night, is there anyone else lost, down here?
This rope is getting tight, every foothold will be a collapse of the earth.
Draw me the line to follow when no one watches over me,
show me a safe hideout, before they come to chase
and leave us in the dust.
Thirsty for life, they left us in the dust.
In need of light, crawling in the dust.
Longing a glimmer of light...I swear,
I’ll do everything I can to fix it, ‘til I die.
I don’t need the time they stole from us, or the love that carries rain.
I remind all the fights I’ve been involved into and the cold thru’ the bones.
I recognize the times they're coming and the feeling of being crushed.
Take me to the land of hope, where I’ll find the strength to forgive
who left us in the dust.
Oh, glory of life, left hanged in the dust.
In need of light, crawling in the dust.
Longing a glimmer of light..I swear,
I’ll do everything I can to fix it, ‘til I die
Darlin’, close all the doors, windows are beaten by the wind.
We should protect ourselves, even if someone is still coming in.
Who left us, crawling in the dust?
Oh, glory of life, left hanged in the dust.
In need of light, crawling in the dust.
Longing a glimmer of light..I swear,
I’ll do everything I can to fix it, ‘til I die.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Dust di Kreky & The Asteroids:


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La canzone Dust si trova nell'album Banner Blindness uscito nel 2022 per Goodfellas Records, Romolo Dischi, Pirames International.

Copertina dell'album Banner Blindness, di Kreky & The Asteroids

L'articolo Kreky & The Asteroids - Dust testo lyric di Kreky & The Asteroids è apparso su il 2022-04-26 18:31:35


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