Lizi and the Kids - Loveless


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Loveless di Lizi and the Kids:


In a cold day of rain
Lasting for a lifetime
A single dog to call
 but there’s no one on the phone
In a cold day of rain
Lasting for a lifetime
A single dog to call
 but there’s no one on the phone

Can you figure out what’s like
living an entire life 
with no certainty

Can you feel the void and pain
nobody’s there when you’ll bleed
In a cold day of rain
lasting for a lifetime

You look hopeless
But is there still a light for your happiness?
Hopeless and helpless,
 but then again, you’re loveless

Now that you’re all alone
In the mirror you see no one 

You should know what you’ve done
try to figure it out 
a single dog to call
A single dog to call 
but there’s no one on the phone

You look hopeless
But is there still a light for your happiness?
Hopeless and helpless,
 but then again, you’re loveless
You look hopeless
But is there still a light for your happiness?
Hopeless and helpless,
 but then again, you’re loveless

In a cold day of rain
Lasting for a lifetime
A single dog to call
 but there’s no one on the phone
In a cold day of rain
Lasting for a lifetime
A single dog to call
 but there’s no one on the phone

You look hopeless
But is there still a light for your happiness?
Hopeless and helpless,
 but then again, you’re loveless
You look hopeless
But is there still a light for your happiness?
Hopeless and helpless,
 but then again, you’re loveless

A single dog to call 
but there’s no one on the phone
In a cold day of rain
lasting for a lifetime


La canzone Loveless si trova nell'album Keep Walking uscito nel 2022 per Maninalto!.

Copertina dell'album Keep Walking, di Lizi and the Kids

L'articolo Lizi and the Kids - Loveless di Lizi and the Kids è apparso su il 2022-05-21 15:50:10


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