Pussy Stomp - The Slow one

The Slow One

Well, I’ll buy myself a toy to get some other joy
A risky ball to keep, a risky card to flip.
So I sit and I…. and I sit and I….
And I sit and I stop the pain on the borderline (X2)
Oh what a day… oh what an awful day…

Oh I’m a civilized I’m a civilized man
But certain things I don’t understand.
I take the toss, yet I’m holding fast:
I’ll teach you a lesson you can’t forget.

So I take up the phone and I dial 9-1-1
Yes I dial 9-1-1
“hey customer answer that phone, there’s a mad man in the shadow! I think he’s stubbin’ me on my back… think he’s stubbin’ me on my back!
Hey there! Won’t you answer the phone!!!”
I need another pill, I think I need another pill
I think I need another pill, I think I need another pill
Gimme no other pill… noooo! Gimme no other pill…
Or give me another pill, I just have no appeal.

L'articolo Pussy Stomp - The Slow one di Pussy Stomp è apparso su Rockit.it il 2014-11-30 22:11:51


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