Retrolove - She's Alive!

18/02/2020 - 15:12 Scritto da Retrolove Retrolove 1

She's alive!
She's alive!
She comes crawling in the middle of the night, She wants to eat your brains!
She's alive, she’s a creature of the night.

Against all odds, and all your thoughts
She'll be with you forever

Head into the highlights
Step into in the dark
She wants more! She wants more!

She's alive!
She's alive!
In other words, beyond the end
You're gonna be together
She comes crawling in the middle of the night, She wants to eat your brains!

Head into the highlights
Step into in the dark
She wants more! She wants more!

L'articolo Retrolove - She's Alive! di Retrolove è apparso su il 2020-02-18 15:12:18


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