Afterhours - Slush testo lyric


Dad I'm dead on the floor
dad I'm dead on the floor
it's like you moving anymore
and I don't like it anymore
I'm just a mile away
to get my brand new way
I'm just a mile away
but I can't fix the way
and maybe I feel so weak
but I can't feel the guilt
cause I'm like Jesus Christ
and that's all what it appeals
dad I'm dead on the floor
I don't like it anymore'
dad I'm dead on the floor
I just don't like it anymore
Richie plays with the blood
I don't like it anymore
he washed his spike and splashed
all around the floor
and the room is a slush
we won't wipe it away
cause you think I'm here for you
but I'm here for myself
so maybe I feel so weak
but I won't feel the guilt
cause I'm like Jesus Christ
and that's all what it appeals
dad I'm dead on the floor
I don't like it anymore
dad I'm dead on the floor
I just don't like it anymore


La canzone Slush si trova nell'album Pop Kills Your Soul uscito nel 1992 per Vox Pop.

Copertina dell'album Pop Kills Your Soul, di Afterhours

L'articolo Afterhours - Slush testo lyric di Afterhours è apparso su il 2022-01-28 14:54:44


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