Alessio Manis - The Worms testo lyric



As the sun sets
the shadows of the worms
grow out and embrace everything
So they gather,
around the corpse,
rubbing their hands togheter

Well, anyway,
even dwarves are giants
in a world of villains

Behind the corners,
into the dark,
resembles of the men
Buzz in the air,
the flies are coming,
despicable squad

Well, anyway,
even dwarves are giants
in a world of villains

It comes the day,
it shines the light,
and the smelly reminder
Look at them now,
in white collars,
and sharp shining grins

Well, anyway,
even dwarves are giants
in a world of villains

Don't be surprised,
it's understood,
they want to remain at the forefront
Nobody wants to be
left empty-handed
and the worms army grows


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Worms di Alessio Manis:


Words & Music by Alessio Manis


La canzone The Worms si trova nell'album Burning Bridges and Building Castles uscito nel 2018.

Copertina dell'album Burning Bridges and Building Castles, di Alessio Manis

L'articolo Alessio Manis - The Worms testo lyric di Alessio Manis è apparso su il 2019-11-30 19:17:45


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