Ballerini - Beautiful Ground - trailer

25/03/2015 - 14:05 Scritto da Ballerini Ballerini 2

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The natural evolution of BEAUTIFUL GROUND is the live audiovisual performance presented by Alessio Ballerini and produced by Fabrizio Carotti (video) and Simona Sala (actress). The video show long shots at natural speed, close-ups and medium shots in slow motion, set in a bucolic landscape where a changing character acts in dreamlike and almost arbitrary ways, at once detached from any connection with the place and yet perfectly set in the context. With a suitcase full of travel costumes the character becomes each time the genius loci of the portion of space that she inhabits.

L'articolo Ballerini - Beautiful Ground - trailer di Ballerini è apparso su il 2015-03-25 14:05:49


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