Altre di B - Haruki Murakami testo lyric


Yes, I'm too lazy for the lively night.
I'd rather watch it outside my sash.
Good books are certainly a good reason
to laze in bed and seem uncool.
I don't care 'bout springtime colors,
you don't care 'bout my way of being rebel.
Rebel with socks, jumper, slippers on.
Do you think I'm rebel?
Rebel with socks, jumper, slippers on.
Why don't we get drunk in the morning?
Sleeping is a waste of time.
Yes I'm too lazy for a five-a-side.
You don't care 'bout my way of being rebel.
Rebel with socks, jumper, slippers on.
Do you think I'm rebel?
Rebel with socks, jumper, slippers on.
It's cold for walking barefoot on tiled floor,
it's hot for gloves in the bed.
I find hobbies boring.
Why sweating?
If it's not good for you, go.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Haruki Murakami di Altre di B:


Music by Altre di B.
Lyrics by Giacomo Gelati.
Engineered and mixed by Daniele Landi at Forears Records in Firenze.
Mastered by Alessandro Vanara.


La canzone Haruki Murakami si trova nell'album There's a million better bands uscito nel 2010.

Copertina dell'album There's a million better bands, di Altre di B

L'articolo Altre di B - Haruki Murakami testo lyric di Altre di B è apparso su il 2021-06-21 14:58:39


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