Ataraxia - Scarlet Leaves testo lyric

11/09/2020 - 11:18 Scritto da Ataraxia Ataraxia 0


Oh, mylord, you never returned
I was waiting for you my love

You told me to see
the scarlet leaves, the scarlet leaves
when they had fallen on the earth
you would have returned
you would have returned

Oh mylord, now I'm laying on the ground
I'm still waiting for you, my love
Oh mylord, now I'm laying on the cold ground
and I'm still waiting for you, my love

Now I fell the scarlet leaves
flying over me, flying over me
please, please, come to me
and spread my ashes among scarlet leaves

I would like to flutter with them
I would like to have wings
I would like to feel breeze and air
I would like to be wind

Seasons have passed and I'm still alone
in the breeze in the snow, my love

With the eyes of my soul
I will nevermore
see scarlet leaves
the feeble eyes of my soul
now they are closed
I will never return

Oh, mylord, now that you've returned
I'll never return


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Scarlet Leaves di Ataraxia:


La canzone Scarlet Leaves si trova nell'album Historiae uscito nel 2015.

L'articolo Ataraxia - Scarlet Leaves testo lyric di Ataraxia è apparso su il 2020-09-11 11:18:01


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