Biografia Balearic Gabba Sound System

The Balearic Gabba Sound System is a non-sense dream team founded by Hell Yeah's boss marco "peeDoo" gallerani, quickly joined by Enzo Elia, Everest Parisi, E-the-Hot, Gallo, spiritual guide Bjorn Torske and some other geezers with a common love for sonically weird, feel good, bona fide recordings with a twist...

Our "daytime hero" (balearic gabbers have nightime heroes too) Jon Sa Trinxa once stated: "My DJ style is Balearic which is like trying to define the undefinable, confused ? Many djs are defined by playing a particular genre, Balearic music is kaleidoscope of genres. Balearic djs play all styles."

Balearic Gabba Sound System represent the second geneneration of so called Balearic DJs... those who grew up at raves in the 90s and survived the digital revolution...

L'articolo Biografia Balearic Gabba Sound System di Balearic Gabba Sound System è apparso su il 2015-09-03 14:37:38