beeside - hardcore queen testo lyric


Tall, tall like a tree
you hold centuries
of hidden stories
of burglars, of thieves
of triumph and grief

smart, smart like a fox
she's roving these blocks
the way that she walks
and how quietly she waltzes
into my talks

and I sang, I sang like a grouse, when you got
small like a mouse
and entered my house
with your tiny paws,
your tail and your jaws

and then you got back to your previous size
you made love on me with your hardcore pride
but something went wrong and you lost your head
suddenly freaked out you got up and fled
and I felt like my heart was being cut into shreds

'cause it's you and me
we're everything

dark, you're dark like the night
and in the mood for a fight
I better run out of sight
but with a borderline flight
you get bright as sunlight

cold, cold like a moon
upside down in my spoon
a big white baloon
full of secrets, of runes
of lost beaches and dunes

and you bark, you bark like a dog
who looks soft as a wad
who swam across the fog
across the mud of these bogs
to find someone to hug

the history says you became a liar
since you lost half your friends in a friendly fire
then you became one with your uncontrollable ire
your heat of revenge across the telephone wires
forwards all my calls, no matter what did I dial

maybe it's you and me
we're everything

smell, smell like a beast
who's kept on a leash
with nothing to eat
obscene is your dream
of murder and meal

hard, hard as a rock
and shut as a lock
you insolent gawk
you snot and you mock
you ignorant fuck

and she, she wanted to die
and she had nothing to hide
so she looked at the sky
and with a sacrifice fly
she left me good-bye

but like a cat you'll get back to your previous life
we'll make love again with a hardcore pride
and as always your victory will be cut-and-dried

'cause it's you and me
we're everything


Premi play per ascoltare il brano hardcore queen di beeside:


La canzone hardcore queen si trova nell'album lullabies of love and hate uscito nel 2015 per Officine Musicali Sassari.

Copertina dell'album lullabies of love and hate, di beeside

L'articolo beeside - hardcore queen testo lyric di beeside è apparso su il 2016-01-21 15:00:01


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