Bikini The Cat - Real Mirage testo lyric


There's something to say ah ah ah
my heart has been thinking for hours
I've cleared my view with colors
to feel everyday, everything

my view, your view are mighty
embrace me my body's missing
but maybe my blood is ready
to feel everyday, everything
to feel everyday, everything so

find me in this melancholic song
it's not me,
I'm fighting for the best that I can
treasure this moment full of pleasure
we'll have these days agan and again

just listen, your eyes are closed
the tv is on, nothing more
come close beside me
with a delicate kiss surprise me
I need colors and nothing more
to feel everyday everything
to feel everyday everything so


La canzone Real Mirage si trova nell'album Me, you and the Superheroes uscito nel 2008 per La Valigetta, Self Distribuzione S.p.A..

Copertina dell'album Me, you and the Superheroes, di Bikini The Cat

L'articolo Bikini The Cat - Real Mirage testo lyric di Bikini The Cat è apparso su il 2015-04-20 23:30:56


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