Blonde Redhead - Everything Is Wrong testo lyric


Hard to say yes
Hard to say no
The ones who make love
The ones who sleep alone
Everything is wrong here let's all have a break
Everything is wrong here let's all have a rest

The ones who love to dance
The ones who love to talk
The ones who go to bars
The ones who go to Switzerland
Everything is wrong here let's all have a think
Everything is wrong here let's all have a laugh

The ones who say trust me
The ones who support the king
The ones who go on strike
The ones who never vote
Everything is wrong here let's all have a break
Everything is wrong here let's all have a rest

The ones who loose their war
The ones who loose their teeth
The ones who had a fatal crush
The ones afraid of flying
Everything is wrong here let's all have a break
Everything is wrong here let's all have a think


La canzone Everything Is Wrong si trova nell'album Penny Sparkle uscito nel 2009.

L'articolo Blonde Redhead - Everything Is Wrong testo lyric di Blonde Redhead è apparso su il 2017-03-21 11:12:05


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