Bona Head - Everything In A Part testo lyric


I've read about everything in a part
I've thought about all the thorns in my heart

I've read about everything on a sheet
I've thought about where my limits meet

I have seen through so many squares
That we contain the same universe

I've read about everything in a part
I've thought about all good things in our hearts
I've read about everything through a leaf
I've thought about our silly fight

I have seen through so many squares
That we contain the same universe
I have seen through so many squares
That we contain the same universe

I've read about everything in a part
I've thought about all the thorns in my heart


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Everything In A Part di Bona Head:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Keys for Healing (di @bonaheadmusic con 11 brani)


La canzone Everything In A Part si trova nell'album Keys for Healing uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album Keys for Healing, di Bona Head

L'articolo Bona Head - Everything In A Part testo lyric di Bona Head è apparso su il 2021-08-13 00:31:49


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