Canaan - Grey testo lyric


Let the light regenerate
Its power to heal is in the silver
And the light
Light to the seventh

Let the darkness degenerate
Its power to hurt is in the gold
And the dark
Darkness to the ninth

Let the grey submerge
Its power to forgot is in the fire
And the grey
Grey to the fifth

Let the red heal
Its power to regenerate is in the
Liquid and the red
Red to the eleventh

Let this life wipe you away
Wipe your image away
Bring your memory back
To the white immaculate sands
Of a self-destructing eve

Grey to the end
Grey to this sweet end


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Grey di Canaan:


La canzone Grey si trova nell'album A Calling To Weakness uscito nel 2002.

L'articolo Canaan - Grey testo lyric di Canaan è apparso su il 2002-01-31 00:00:00


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