Chumbucket - All lumpish endeavours testo lyric

23/01/2023 - 12:24 Scritto da Chumbucket Chumbucket 0


So hi
don't cry
just the other day
I was skeptical
fighting with a straw
it's impractical

So beat time
and don't turn your back
so hit me
just don't let it go
you hit me
can we agree on that
I'm coming back home with a thought
and it's

in endelss skies
of your mind
could I keep on calling me mine?
It's big
like a light
tears the sky
could I keep on calling me mine?

What if I'm losing my body
don't lie
You call me
you owe me
the restless is you
What if I do deny
I owe me no lie
It's the fact that you own me
it's the fact that it's you

I think that I'm gonna leave you
I'm suddenly blue
well maybe I grew
And I've never felt like I should
deserve being with you
but suddenly

I think that I'm gonna leave you
I'm suddenly blue
well maybe I grew
And I've never felt like I should
deserve being with you
but suddenly

in endelss skies
of your mind
could I keep on calling me mine?
It's big
like a light
tears the sky

in endelss skies
of your mind
could I keep on calling me mine?
It's big
like a light
tears the sky
could I keep on calling me mine?

What if I'm losing my body
don't lie
You call me
you owe me
the restless is you
What if I do deny
I owe me no lie
It's the fact that you own me
it's the fact that it's you

what if I'm losing my sight
coveting the beauty of a lie
amplified as soon as I'm
playing like I'm losing my sight

What did you do to my eyes
what if I'm losing my sight
what if I'm losing my sight
what if I'm losing my
what if I...

You call me
you own me
the restless is you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano All lumpish endeavours di Chumbucket:


La canzone All lumpish endeavours si trova nell'album Chasing Euphoria uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Chasing Euphoria, di Chumbucket

L'articolo Chumbucket - All lumpish endeavours testo lyric di Chumbucket è apparso su il 2023-01-23 12:24:21


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