Clockers - Guns and Knives testo lyric

28/12/2014 - 15:58 Scritto da Clockers Clockers 1


Wonderful rain, on the streets of my ‘hood
In the place where I was born
Young child men in the roads of the world
They play at war and love
Two little guns, two knives and two blades
In the streets of a dark night
Running in the frenzy in the alleys of dark lies
Looking for a hiding place
I’m looking for the main street of another road
I’m looking for a rail station of my soul
Love falls in love, when the times are hard
We look at the stars which fall from the sky
Promises are like stones, in the soul of a man
Who remember an old hiding- place


La canzone Guns and Knives si trova nell'album Tracce recuperate uscito nel 2014.

L'articolo Clockers - Guns and Knives testo lyric di Clockers è apparso su il 2014-12-28 15:58:16


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