DRAKKAR - To The Future testo lyric


[Leif Erikson, Year 1000:]
I will take my vessel
Far beyond the sea
Unfurl the sail now
For it's time to leave

[Bridge 1:]
Heading for a new world
We are conquerors
And we're looking for new shores

Ridin' on the waves of tide
Sailing to the future
Dragonhearts are brave and proud
Won't be taken down!
This is our way of life
We were made for sailing
Wandering on every sea
Faces in the wind

[Cristoforo Colombo, Year 1492:]
Our ships are ready
I can barely wait
Do they think I'm crazy?
I will prove I'm sane

[Bridge 2:]
I know we can do it
To the West we go
We will reach the Indian shores


Never will be easy
Not a trip like this
If the fear should take us
Answer with a grin

[Bridge 3:]
If we pull together
Like we always did
We can handle everything



Premi play per ascoltare il brano To The Future di DRAKKAR:


La canzone To The Future si trova nell'album Razorblade God uscito nel 2002.

Copertina dell'album Razorblade God, di DRAKKAR

L'articolo DRAKKAR - To The Future testo lyric di DRAKKAR è apparso su Rockit.it il 2004-09-13 00:00:00


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