Elisa - Chamaleon testo lyric

15/12/2021 - 13:49 Scritto da Elisa Elisa 36


It is just raining
It is just micro macro mood
It is just no words to say
It is just being in love
It is just fragility
It's so unknown
It's that I shouldn't talk no more
I shouldn't talk no more

I hold a chamaleon in my heart
Disastrous and divine
And I'm never alone and he is my guide
I'm never alone and he is my guide...

It's just ridiculous
It is just how much I ignore
It is just they are talking to me
It's that I want to understand
It is just the way it works
It is just too many chains sometimes
It's that I should stop speaking now
I should stop speaking now

I hold a chamaleon in my heart
Disastrous and divine
And I'm never alone
And he is my guide
And I'm never alone and he is my guide.


La canzone Chamaleon si trova nell'album Asile's World uscito nel 2007.

Copertina dell'album Asile's World, di Elisa

L'articolo Elisa - Chamaleon testo lyric di Elisa è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-12-15 13:49:38


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