Elisa - Tic Tac testo lyric

15/12/2021 - 13:49 Scritto da Elisa Elisa 36


Tic tac
Tic tac
Run up those stairs
Cause somone's waiting
You'd better run up those stairs
Somebody's waiting
You're so tired after you've worked
But you know you can miss things
It's so powerful and it will take
Troubles out of your head
It's so powerful and it will take
Troubles out of your head
You're rushing
This is the best lover
Music is the best lover
It's the best lover, the best lover
You're thinking in a strange way
You're so afraid of problems
You're thinking in a strange way
You're so afraid of problems
You're afraid of problems
You're so scared about the ground
And what's so scared about the ground
Tic tac
Tic tac
You run up those stairs
Somebody's waiting
You'd better run up those stairs
Somebody's waiting
You're so tired after you've worked
But you know you can miss things
You're so tired after you've worked
But you know you can miss things


La canzone Tic Tac si trova nell'album Asile's World uscito nel 2007.

Copertina dell'album Asile's World, di Elisa

L'articolo Elisa - Tic Tac testo lyric di Elisa è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-12-15 13:49:38


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