Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies - Naked is man upon the earth testo lyric


In the shadow of the valley of death
Is love the purpose of life
to living tasting every mood
Only when I move
Nothing’s too much, I’ve done, I’ve broke your heart
when I call you, you turn around
the naked light blinds us
Naked is man upon the earth.
to live with the darkened mind
Naked is man upon the earth
try to open your heart
life is desire, out of my mind
when I call you, you turn around
try to open your heart
life is desire, out of my mind
Naked is man upon the earth
try to open your heart


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Naked is man upon the earth di Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies:


La canzone Naked is man upon the earth si trova nell'album Naked is man upone the earth uscito nel 2023 per Seahorse Recordings, Audioglobe.

Copertina dell'album Naked is man upone the earth, di Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies

L'articolo Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies - Naked is man upon the earth testo lyric di Emil Moonstone & The Anomalies è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-16 11:21:51


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