Exit - Sit And Wait testo lyric

20/01/2003 Scritto da Exit Exit 0


There's a poor man sucking down his will to live
And there's a joe mo working on the late night shift
There's a road to get us on out of here
And there's a whole wide world for you to fear
So take in what they taught you
Follow in their footsteps
The days aren't getting longer but your life is getting cut

Sit and wait another day

There's a war going on in no man's land
And there's some things i don't understand
There's a father cruisin down the open road
And he ain't ever coming home
So wallow in the shadows of the one's who done it all


La canzone Sit And Wait si trova nell'album New Beat uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Exit - Sit And Wait testo lyric di Exit è apparso su Rockit.it il 2003-01-20 00:00:00


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