Fabio Nobili (fans page) - Shepherd's song testo lyric


I was born under the sign of fire
I have no tears under my skin
they wanted me to bend
they wanted me to sing of the shepherd's song

I'm a man with a gentle soul
I can give melodies to the world
but do not take advantage
or my fire flares up

I'm a man with a big soul
I have fire under my skin
they wanted me to bend
but I won't sing the shepherd's song

now sing you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Shepherd's song di Fabio Nobili (fans page):


La canzone Shepherd's song si trova nell'album Bolina uscito nel 2013 per Riserva Sonora.

Copertina dell'album Bolina, di Fabio Nobili (fans page)

L'articolo Fabio Nobili (fans page) - Shepherd's song testo lyric di Fabio Nobili (fans page) è apparso su Rockit.it il 2015-11-25 15:02:48


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