Francesca Battistelli - Forever Love testo lyric


You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love

From the bottom of my heart I'll sing to You
From the depths of who I am I love You
With everything inside I'll run to You
Cause all that I've become I owe to You

You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love

From the bottom of my heart I'll sing to You
From the depths of who I am I love You
With everything inside I'll run to You
Cause all that I've become I owe to You

You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love

Nothing in this world could ever separate us
I will love You more than anyone on earth
Nothing I desire could ever satisfy me the way that You do

From the bottom of my heart I'll sing to You
From the depths of who I am I love You
With everything inside I'll run to You
Cause all that I've become I owe to You

You are my forever love
You are my forever love
You are my forever love


La canzone Forever Love si trova nell'album My Paper Heart uscito nel 2008.

Copertina dell'album My Paper Heart, di Francesca Battistelli

L'articolo Francesca Battistelli - Forever Love testo lyric di Francesca Battistelli è apparso su il 2012-03-13 16:48:55


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