Giulia's Mother - Orion testo lyric


I told you while looking up
Remember Orion was so clear
I told you us was not enough
But your smiles seems so true

You are fooling only yourself not me
It’s just my pride that tries to cheat me

I forgot your God I found a cure
I found myself and my position in this place

I never ask for more than I deserve
just trying to be myself surrounded by my friends
So I say I’ll share my life with them

You are fooling only yourself not me
It’s just my pride that tries to cheat me

Look up three stars are falling down remember Orion was so clear
Those stars will never shine again
Just like we didn’t in a while we thought we were so bright
So then illusion has stepped aside
As our stars have died
As our stars have died so many years ago

You are fooling only yourself not me
It’s just my pride that tries to cheat me


La canzone Orion si trova nell'album Here uscito nel 2016 per INRI, Artist First.

Copertina dell'album Here, di Giulia's Mother

L'articolo Giulia's Mother - Orion testo lyric di Giulia's Mother è apparso su il 2017-08-30 12:27:33


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