Giulia's Mother - U testo lyric


Everything is changing
'round me
While I'm driving on my own
Nothing I see is mine

Far from home
But my life is here
Wandering around the world
Maybe with a girl that loves me

And if she doesn't never mind
These kind of things
I'm trying to love myself
And someone like me I know I’ll find out there

has something to give
You don't have to have everything
Just learn how to smile

Try to give and then
You’ll start receiving
Your world won't change
If you don't start changing it first


La canzone U si trova nell'album TRUTH uscito nel 2015 per INRI.

Copertina dell'album TRUTH, di Giulia's Mother

L'articolo Giulia's Mother - U testo lyric di Giulia's Mother è apparso su il 2017-08-30 12:27:33


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