In.versione Clotinsky - Red Carpet testo lyric


On his road Sammy is listening the big band playing
Red carpet under his black feet
Doesn’t mean he has made a film.

The sound of that song
Is The same of when he was a child
And now on the rug of his home with black feet

Clotin (the) sky

Chemtrails, motorless airplanes
Spread bright stars during that night
And the sky is a piece of paper
Scrawled by a two year old

Chemtrails understood for
The chemistry between me and you
And the night is blown-up in a transport
The matter is blurry, we are the same cells

Clotin (the) sky


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Red Carpet di In.versione Clotinsky:


La canzone Red Carpet si trova nell'album TAXI uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album TAXI, di In.versione Clotinsky

L'articolo In.versione Clotinsky - Red Carpet testo lyric di In.versione Clotinsky è apparso su il 2018-04-09 21:42:03


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