Inseedia - Inside my Ocean testo lyric


The waves are part of the big ocean,
But just the highest are noticed.
You?re afraid of the ones inside my sea,
But you don?t care,
You are so strong!

Now I?m drowning into my sea,
I?m falling down into the abyss...

Another thought inside my head...
Another breath around my sea...
You can swim in my heart
But I drown down,
I?m hopeless!

Now I?m drowning into my sea,
I?m falling down into the abyss...


La canzone Inside my Ocean si trova nell'album Secrets from the Room uscito nel 2007 per Nomadism, Audioglobe.

Copertina dell'album Secrets from the Room, di Inseedia

L'articolo Inseedia - Inside my Ocean testo lyric di Inseedia è apparso su il 2006-05-19 00:00:00


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