Biografia Kafka On The Shore

Kafka on the Shore is a musical ensemble of three people who molded together by chance in the great city of Milan, Italy. It is made up by Vincenzo Parisi, a classical pianist who grew up in a picturesque suburb town by the seaside playing classical piano on an abandoned ship and dreaming to perform Scriabin's Sonatas in front of huge crowds.
At the age of 22 he sailed away from his hometown in search for glory and met tambourine and ex-surfer Daniel Winkler. Once in town, fisherman Freddy Agosta, a crafty guitarist, immediately joined the crew and together they started to work on old and dusty tape records. The result was a pied mixture of dramatic blues, bony rock'n roll and fierce songrwriting. This is Pirate Mexican Porno Rock.

L'articolo Biografia Kafka On The Shore di Kafka On The Shore è apparso su il 2014-09-18 12:51:50