Informazioni Lady Sometimes Records

Lady Sometimes Records is Esmeralda Vascellari. •

Born in Rome, August 28th 2014. •

And it’s a totally independent label. •

Introductions are boring, so here is a “how to use” list:

• We release the only music we like.*
• We do believe in humans better than market analysis.
• We love hand/home/heartmade projects.
• DIY = do it yourself. Do it with others. Do it your own way. We’ll take care of the rest. We protect, we motivate, we give you all the time&space you need. But we don’t misrepresent your ideas. We won’t. Ever.

*We do like English (until now) + pop melodies melted with noise!

L'articolo Informazioni Lady Sometimes Records di Lady Sometimes Records è apparso su il 2015-06-07 11:13:58