La Vague - LA VAGUE: "STRAIGHT CONTRARIWISE" (Voice & Resophonic Bass)

humid smell like a cloud
spicy dirt full of crowd
you're on my side wet and sighing
we're so far from our road
walking home is walking away

we follow a groove on the ground
on a tongue of a rock
flashing lights, upwind strokes
we are as tall as a lighthouse
we are the house of our light

far from our main road
far from our fake role
straight contrariwise

lulled on the back of a metal giant
or running through a day af scarecrow
singing loud a Dylan song
walking on a blistering highway...

walking on a blistering highway
we ride the clouds of whining tears
we ride sunflowers at the sunset
we run on the hot chills on my skin
treading dust of bare rock
feeling we are borning there
we follow the groove on the ground...

far from our main road
far from our fake role
straight contrariwise

humid smell like a cloud
spicy dirt full of crowd
you're on my side wet and sighing
we're so far from our road
walking home is walking away

L'articolo La Vague - LA VAGUE: "STRAIGHT CONTRARIWISE" (Voice & Resophonic Bass) di La Vague è apparso su il 2013-02-01 15:02:48


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