Maitea - Wasting The Last Time testo lyric

23/01/2023 - 12:59 Scritto da Maitea Maitea 1


When I find myself in a station Thinking of the passing time
And I’m looking at the red leaves Falling slowly on the ground
If we take the wrong direction
And we get sick of regrets
And there’s no way to come back now All is lost and lost again
When the sun will rise again awake me, awake my heart When the rain will stop to fall awake me, awake my heart
Sorry if I’ve let you down
I’m wasting light, waiting for the last time I know that I am falling down
I’m waiting for light, wasting the last time
When I find myself in the darkness And I’m listening to your voice
But my little hands are too cold
To make you feel that I am here
I am tired and I am hurt
But I’m thinking, I’m thinking
That if everything could go back now I will try to make things right
When the sun will rise again awake me, awake my heart When the rain will stop to fall awake me, awake my heart
Sorry if I’ve let you down
I’m wasting light, waiting for the last time
I know that I am falling down
I’m waiting for light, wasting the last time x2
Everything around me tells me about the time gone by with you
All the clocks have stop to work and right now I feel that I can go back if you just save me
Sorry if I’ve let you down
I’m wasting light, waiting for the last time
I know that I am falling down
I’m waiting for light, wasting the last time
Sorry if I’ve let you down
I’m waiting for light, wasting the time
I know that I am falling down
But I’ll live no more waiting, no more wasting time


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wasting The Last Time di Maitea:


La canzone Wasting The Last Time si trova nell'album Wasting The Last Time uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Wasting The Last Time, di Maitea

L'articolo Maitea - Wasting The Last Time testo lyric di Maitea è apparso su il 2023-01-23 12:59:36


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