The MAMA BLUEGRASS BAND - Bad Penny testo lyric


Roots like chains are tightening my ankles
The daily burden is weighting down on every step
A cold case called “searching for solution”
Selling not saving skin come first of all
I’ve got no ace to be a gambler
Even if every end of month seems like a bet
Leave hope at the door when you come in
Leave hope and start to believe in your self

He he he
Don’t forget that a bad penny is always turning up
He he he
God gives, God takes, good chanches, good luck

There’s no consolation pize for the second places
Don’t wait for God to give daily bread
Don’t put your hands up, everything’s a legal stealing
First will be first, while the last is next to the death
There’s no more teeth to bite the bullet
Unchained dogs’ folk controlled by the pigs
There’s no more teeth to bite the bullet
Think about your self in this bottomless pit

He he he
Don’t forget that a bad penny is always turning up
He he he God gives,
God takes, good chanches, good luck

Like a chain I never gave up


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bad Penny di The MAMA BLUEGRASS BAND:


parole e musica di Marco Andrea Carnelli


La canzone Bad Penny si trova nell'album Dogs For Bones uscito nel 2015 per IRD, Rocketman.

Copertina dell'album Dogs For Bones, di The MAMA BLUEGRASS BAND

L'articolo The MAMA BLUEGRASS BAND - Bad Penny testo lyric di The MAMA BLUEGRASS BAND è apparso su il 2020-02-21 17:52:04


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