Marsh Mallows - Alone testo lyric


I'm alone, among so many lifes
With so many hopes and few certainties
I will cry, I will ask pity
I'm the man that will be killed

Rape me, fuck me, kill me
You can't stop me
But I'll never die

Stop this life to save my soul
Don't wanna live with a fuckin' war
Where so many people die
ONLY for the money

The hope is that you can listen to my prayer,
Do you understand me?

Rape me, fuck me, kill me
You can't stop me
But I'll never die

Stop this life to save my soul
Don't wanna live with a fuckin' war
Where so many people die
ONLY for the money


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Alone di Marsh Mallows:


La canzone Alone si trova nell'album Imperfect uscito nel 2004.

Copertina dell'album Imperfect, di Marsh Mallows

L'articolo Marsh Mallows - Alone testo lyric di Marsh Mallows è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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