Mina - Full moon and empty arms testo lyric

26/05/2020 - 15:00Scritto da Mina Mina27


Hey! Jealous lover
You're acting so strange
Hey! Jealous lover
What is making you change

Hey! Jealous lover
How wrong can you be
I'm yours ever faithful
Just be faithful to me

I am just as steady - as that clock on the shelf
Maybe you're accusing me of - what you're doing yourself

Hey! Jealous lover
I'm telling you true
I know that you're jealous
But there's no one but you

Could have cheated lots of times - but just couldn't do
I was much to busy baby - being faithful to you

Hey! Jealous lover
I'm telling you true
I know that you're jealous
But there's no one but you

No one for me - jealous lover but you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Full moon and empty arms di Mina:


La canzone Full moon and empty arms si trova nell'album Mina 2 uscito nel 1965 per Ri-Fi.

Copertina dell'album Mina 2, di Mina

L'articolo Mina - Full moon and empty arms testo lyric di Mina è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-05-26 15:00:23


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