Neurotica - Invisible Path testo lyric

05/12/2012 - 19:57 Scritto da Neurotica Neurotica 1


Don't ask how don't ask when or why Same somehow pleased just to be a part When
You've found answers don't mean a thing Actions shouting so much louder man Is
This something real I can't say But it's got control of me There's no need to
Go frolicking through the written All around same right side up as down Ya see
I can feel it cracking False sense of insecurity Let yourself love let yourself
Follow the way When you've found answers don't mean a thing Actions shouting so
Much louder man Is this something real I can't say but it's got control of me


La canzone Invisible Path si trova nell'album Seed uscito nel -0001.

L'articolo Neurotica - Invisible Path testo lyric di Neurotica è apparso su il 2012-12-05 19:57:01


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