Nine Rules - Fix Me testo lyric


I won't move
I won't take a step
What if I took a wrong wrong turn
I tried to tread as lightly as humans can do

Don't you dare judge me
You don't get to choose your team
You just have to deal with it

I'm a toad
Staring at the lake
Waiting for a snake

Holding on, waiting to get eaten
Holding on, to get trapped under your skin

Don't you dare judge me
You don't choose the team you're on
You just have to bear with it

I know it's hard to take
But it happens to the best of us
And if I never change
That will take me down

And if you care enough
That won't be the end of us
If you're not scared of it
Please, fix me

Best of us
Take me down
End of us
Fix me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Fix Me di Nine Rules:


Nine Rules


La canzone Fix Me si trova nell'album Presa di Ferro uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Presa di Ferro, di Nine Rules

L'articolo Nine Rules - Fix Me testo lyric di Nine Rules è apparso su il 2020-05-23 18:25:58


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