ofeliadorme - Alone With The Stars testo lyric


Alone with the stars
loosening like
a knot being cut
Here we are
waiting on
a ghost ship
So we long
for the clouds
to welcome us
to comfort us
So we long
for the clouds
to gently cast
their shade on us
Here we are
waiting on
a ghost ship
Here we are
waiting on
the ghost ship
Alone with the stars
Here we are
waiting on
our ghost ship
Here we are
waiting on
the ghost ship
Here I am
waiting on
my ghost ship


La canzone Alone With The Stars si trova nell'album Secret Fires uscito nel 2016 per Warner, HB Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Secret Fires, di ofeliadorme

L'articolo ofeliadorme - Alone With The Stars testo lyric di ofeliadorme è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-02-16 18:28:16


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