ofeliadorme - Black/Black/Black testo lyric


You know what it meant
we were lovers in the dark
in a haze, we were stuck
nowhere else to be
So let it be, as they say
let us just drift away
there's a storm in this room
skin at sight
You said there were things
you meant to do
you didn't quite get there, did you
I know you thought you wanted too
you wanted too
So let it be, as they say
let us just drift away
there's a storm in this room
skin at sight
You know what it meant
we were lovers in the dark
So let it be, as they say
let us just drift away
there's a storm in this room
skin at sight
You wanted too


La canzone Black/Black/Black si trova nell'album Secret Fires uscito nel 2016 per Warner, HB Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Secret Fires, di ofeliadorme

L'articolo ofeliadorme - Black/Black/Black testo lyric di ofeliadorme è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-02-16 18:28:16


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