ofeliadorme - Hairbrushing testo lyric


I remember her long hair
hot with sunlight
Her long hair in his fist
a carnival charade
is a matter of eyes
We were just glad
to be in the same room
Eyes like silky wings
It's written all over you
weakness in your legs
It's written all over you
an old flavor at the back
of your throat
is a matter of eyes
We were just glad
to be in the same room
Eyes like silky wings
is a matter of eyes
We were just glad
to be in the same room
Eyes like silky wings
Same room
To be in the same room
Eyes like silky wings
Same room
Eyes like silky wings
Same room


La canzone Hairbrushing si trova nell'album Secret Fires uscito nel 2016 per Warner, HB Recordings.

Copertina dell'album Secret Fires, di ofeliadorme

L'articolo ofeliadorme - Hairbrushing testo lyric di ofeliadorme è apparso su Rockit.it il 2017-02-16 18:28:16


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