VOODOO - Moonlight testo lyric

17/11/2020 - 11:03Scritto da VOODOO VOODOO3


We’re looking at the moon shines on the river deeply
We let the light walks by our side
Weaving and shuffling, laughing and it’s screamly funny
I watch your hair release smell in the air

This long ride is the one we believe in
What’s the point? We don’t need to know it
Just stay alive and kissing under the rain
Sparkling stars are dancing over our heads

Give me love, keep me alive, baby taking my hand
It ain’t a shame, I blame myself I don’t take care enough
I’m looking now blurry at reality feeling out of this world
I watch your hair and your hands move in the air

This long ride is the one we believe in
What’s the point? We don’t need to know it
Just stay alive and kissing under the rain
Sparkling stars are dancing over our heads


La canzone Moonlight si trova nell'album The Human Eater Turbine uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album The Human Eater Turbine, di VOODOO

L'articolo VOODOO - Moonlight testo lyric di VOODOO è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-11-17 11:03:57


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