Of Shadows And Lights - On The Ledge testo lyric


There are old bones in the valley of my thoughts
Creaking out the answers that I just can't ignore anymore
As I wait to see what's on the distant shore

There are whispers in my mind, but I don't listen
They come from ancient gods who left me long ago - now I'm alone
And keep my gaze fixed on that distant shore

I am poised to take the leap
As the stones slide under me
I can't wait until the mystery finally comes to me

On the ledge, it feels so good
That I can fly beyond the haunted dreams
On the ledge, it feels so good
It will be the place where I'll be safe and free
Another self, another vision,
Of who I am meant to be
I'm on the ledge

There are whispers in my mind, but I don't listen anymore
The voices of ancient gods are far away from home
So I keep my gaze fixed on that distant shore

I am poised to take the leap
As the stones slide under me
I can't wait until the mystery finally comes to me

On the ledge, it feels so good
That I can fly beyond the haunted dreams
On the ledge, it feels so good
It will be the place where I'll be safe and free
Another self, another vision,
Of who I am meant to be

I can fly beyond the thinning veil
And tear it all asunder as I pass
Yes, I know well that I can't fail
Take just one more step towards the edge,

I'm on the ledge, and it feels so good
Now I can fly beyond the haunted dreams
I'm on the ledge, and it feels so good
It will be the place where I'll be safe and free
Another self, another vision,
Of who I am meant to be
I'm on the ledge


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Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: Abissi (di @rockitadmin con 796 brani)


Producer: Angelo Pitone
Executive Producer: Angelo Pitone
Performed & Recorded by: Angelo Pitone
Mixing Engineer: Angelo Pitone
Mastering Engineer: Angelo Pitone
Music & Arrangements: Angelo Pitone
Lyrics: Lisa Tenzin-Dolma
Artwork: Angelo Pitone
Label: Rexius Records AB


La canzone On The Ledge si trova nell'album Poems From The Edge uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Poems From The Edge, di Of Shadows And Lights

L'articolo Of Shadows And Lights - On The Ledge testo lyric di Of Shadows And Lights è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-18 20:41:50


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