Patty Pravo - Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue testo lyric


Five foot two, eyes of blue
But oh, what those five foot could do
Has anybody seen my girl?
Turned up nose, turned down hose,
All dressed up in fancy clothes,
Has anybody seen my girl?
Now if you run into a five foot two
Covered in fur,
Diamond rings and all those things,
Bet-cha life it isn't her.
But could she love, could she woo?
Could she, could she, could she coo?
Has anybody seen my girl?

Five foot two, eyes of blue
But oh, what those five foot could do.
Has anybody seen my girl?
Turned up nose, turned down hose,
All dressed up in fancy clothes,
Has anybody seen my girl?
Now if you run into a five foot two
Covered in fur,
Diamond rings and all those things,
Bet-cha life it isn't her.
But could she love, could she woo?
Could she, could she, could she coo?
Has anybody seen my...
Has anybody seen my...
Has anybody seen my girl?


La canzone Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue si trova nell'album Patty Pravo uscito nel 1967.

Copertina dell'album Patty Pravo, di Patty Pravo

L'articolo Patty Pravo - Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue testo lyric di Patty Pravo è apparso su il 2012-04-17 17:22:11


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