Planet Funk - In the beginning testo lyric


In the beginning
There was nothing but rain
Then came the people
Then came the crane

Up rose the buildings
To rival the sun
The is the first day
Now we have begun

This is the first day
Now we have begun

This is the first day

No one remembers
The day that things changed
But something left us
No one else to blame

All of the things that
We made to make us free
Took away all that
Was meant to be

This is the first day
Now we have begun

The is the first day
Now we have begun


La canzone In the beginning si trova nell'album Static uscito nel 2006 per Virgin Music, EMI music.

Copertina dell'album Static, di Planet Funk

L'articolo Planet Funk - In the beginning testo lyric di Planet Funk è apparso su il 2002-06-22 00:00:00


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