Biografia PoST

29/04/2024 - 09:00 Scritto da PoST PoST 1
Proud of Serving Tuna, widely known by the acronym "PoST", are an italian quartet active since 2001. Their discography includes the albums "Nulla da decidere" (2008) and "Fakes from Another Place" (2012), cult records of the Turin underground, produced by prominent personalities such as Davide Tomat and Gabriele Ottino (Niagara, A new album is scheduled for release in November 2024.

The band is valued, even outside of its native Italy, thanks to a personal songwriting and arrangements full of unusual ideas, which define a sound in perennial tension between captivating melodies and singular harmonic progressions.

They’ve been defined as "a band that doesn’t have an effective track, it has an effectiveness divided into tracks, a surprising credibility slammed in the face and ears that keeps what it promises from the first note".

L'articolo Biografia PoST di PoST è apparso su il 2024-04-29 09:00:05