Quietflow - Rocket testo lyric

24/11/2021 - 18:30 Scritto da Quietflow Quietflow 0



Set up the spaceship for the last trip I want to do
collect my things and I say goodbye
I don't regret for the things that are left behind
bet everything on what’s up there
during the trip I switch off my mind …off my mind
I cancel my thoughts
the sun is hot and I feel it …feel it
my body starts to relax

I look around and all seems like I wanted
prepare the tools and collect them all
I wouldn't change anything indeed
now I begin my work
don't know the sound but I know it’s good …know it’s good
I push the button and make it start
the vibe is hot and I feel it …feel it
the way is good to relax

I jump and I’m so lightful
the goal is what you achieve
everything echoes in my head
with absolute poise

You can look up and you can see the sky ..all the sky
You can look down and you can see the stars ..all the stars
can see inside and you can feel your heart …beating on
can move your hand and you can touch your soul …deep inside


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Rocket di Quietflow:


La canzone Rocket si trova nell'album A New Wave uscito nel 2021 per DELTA Promotion.

Copertina dell'album A New Wave, di Quietflow

L'articolo Quietflow - Rocket testo lyric di Quietflow è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-11-24 18:30:27


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