Slick Steve & The Gangsters - Strait Jacket Swing testo lyric


They sped over with a big white van in a glare of flashing lights

When they got to the “Castle Club” it was two o’ clock at night

Those men in white were a terrible sight as they crashed inside the hall
We was having some fun, we was having a worries at all...

They charged into the room, and someone killed the lights

Before they could cry out -­‐ “freeze!”-­‐
I was already out of sight
I ran through the door backstage and jumped into the street

But the moment I hit the ground they strapped me to the van’s backseat

Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nutty as a hot fruitcake
Lock him up he’s crazy... Catch him for goodness sake!!
Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nothing but a clown
Lock him up he’s crazy... Take him out of town!!!

I got thrown into a padded cell at St Maggie’s Mental Home
Where they lock up crazy folk, high on rock’n roll

But I could not bear to end up like a shark in a small fishbowl
So I found a soft spot in the building wall and dug myself a hole

Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nutty as a hot fruitcake
Lock him up he’s crazy... Catch him for goodness sake!!
Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nothing but a clown
Lock him up he’s crazy... Take him out of town!!!

Now they’re trying to track me down and put things to an end
but everywhere I go, my music sends ‘em round the bend

My swing is sick and my drive...will drive ‘em up the wall

Hit the castle club at two o’clock if you wanna have yourselves a ball!

Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nutty as a hot fruitcake
Lock him up he’s crazy... Catch him for goodness sake!!
Lock him up he’s crazy... He’s nothing but a clown
Lock him up he’s crazy... Take him out of town!!!

For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow ...and so say all of us!


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Strait Jacket Swing di Slick Steve & The Gangsters:


La canzone Strait Jacket Swing si trova nell'album Slick Steve and the Gangsters uscito nel 2012 per Go Down records.

Copertina dell'album Slick Steve and the Gangsters, di Slick Steve & The Gangsters

L'articolo Slick Steve & The Gangsters - Strait Jacket Swing testo lyric di Slick Steve & The Gangsters è apparso su il 2013-11-09 16:59:11


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